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Dental hygiene













The basic requirement for all dental treatments is a healthy gum, because even the slightest gingivitis may compromise or frustrate precise dental procedures. Besides, inflammatory diseases of the gingiva are proved to have health and tooth damaging effects (focal infections, heart diseases, etc.)

The primary cause of gingivitis is the plaque deposited on the neck of the teeth. After every meal the leftover of the meal dissolves in saliva and it settles on the surface of the tooth. This is called plaque. If we remove it with an appropriate tooth-cleaning technique in time, it cannot cause any problems. But if it remains on the surface of the tooth, it will calcify after a while, it will harden and proliferate into places which are difficult to be cleaned. This is called tartar.

Tartar contains numerous bacteria of various types so it is a constant source of infection. The gum becomes red and inflammated, and during tooth-cleaning or in case of a minor mechanical impression gum-bleeding occurs. This time the gums do not stick to the teeth, they slowly become separated beause tartars hinder normal adherence. The gum can gradually withdraw, and a gingival pocket is generated, therefore the surface of the tooth, which becomes uncovered, will be very sensitive.

If this condition lasts for a long time, the inflammation extends to the periodontal attachment apparatus, the periodontium, and it results in alveolar bone loss. The teeth become loose—this condition is called periodontal atrophy. If the tartar still remains there, the inflammation can spread on the bone substance sorrounding the tooth, the consequence of which could be the loss of the teeth. This process can be stopped or slowed down with appropriate treatment. Tartar cannot be removed with the traditional tooth-cleaning technique, for the removal you should go to see a dentist.

The first consultation with the patient includes an oral hygiene assessment.

Dental calculus can be removed with manual or electronic appliances. In the appliance the operating end is vibrated by ultrasonic waves, and if this end touches the tartar, the deposited calculus will peel off the surface of the tooth.

The next step is to remove the discolorations from the surface of the teeth with the help of a high-pressure cleaning powder. This way we reach a smooth, plaque-free tooth surface.

The last step in the treatment is to eliminate all factors possibly maintaining the periodontal inflammation. Besides removing dental plaque and calculus, bad fillings as well as ill-fitting crowns and bridges should also be taken out.

Considering that the tartar can really cause numerous problems, it is worth having it removed in every six months.